Repeat Prescriptions
Patients on long-term medication may be given repeat prescriptions using the computerised request form.
Please allow FIVE working days for your prescription to be processed and sent to your pharmacy to be dispensed. Normally we do not accept requests for prescriptions over the telephone for safety reasons.
If possible please request your medication on line using the above link. Alternatively use the NHS APP.
If your are not able to request in this way, you could try the following suggestions:
- You can post your prescription request to us and tell us which pharmacy to send your prescription to.
- If (and only if) all else fails then you email your request directly to our prescription clerk using this email address: Please include your name, address and date of birth.

Repeat Dispensing
What is repeat dispensing?
Repeat dispensing (also known as batch prescriptions) is a new way to get your regular medicines without needing to request a prescription from your GP surgery each time.
How do I sign up?
If your regular medication is stable, you may be suitable for batch prescriptions. Contact your GP surgery for further information.
If you’re suitable for batch prescriptions, your GP surgery will authorise the pharmacy to issue up to 12 months of medicines. The duration supplied is based on your circumstances and clinical need.
How does it work after I've signed up?
Your batch prescriptions will be sent to your nominated pharmacy who will supply you with your medication at regular intervals. Instead of contacting your GP surgery, you will need to contact your pharmacy for your next instalment. Make sure to ask for your next ‘batch prescription’.
Will anyone be monitoring my medicines?
Please do not worry about this, your doctor or pharmacist will not make any changes to your medicines without talking to you.
Each time you collect your next prescription the pharmacy team should ask you the following questions:
- Have you seen any healthcare professionals (GP, nurse, hospital doctor etc) since your last batch prescription was prescribed?
- Have you recently started taking any new medication on prescription or bought any over the counter medicines? This includes herbal or alternative medicines.
- Have you been having any problems with your medication or been experiencing any side effects?
- Are there any items that you don't need on this batch prescription?
What do I do after I've collected my last batch prescription?
The community pharmacist should let you know when you've collected your last batch prescription
You will need to contact your GP surgery to request a new batch of repeat dispensing prescriptions. At this time, you may need a medication review or routine tests to make sure that your medicines are still helping you.
Do I have to use the same pharmacy?
You may choose any pharmacy that dispenses NHS prescriptions; however it is easier to continue using your nominated pharmacy throughout the duration of your batch prescriptions.
Who can I contact if there is a problem?
If you have any problems speak to your pharmacist or one of the surgery staff.
Mo's Medicines - Electronic Repeat Dispensing from Wessex AHSN Limited on Vimeo.
Medication Reviews
Your GP will inform you when a Medication Review is due.