Patient News & Information
Stoptober 2024!
Stoptober is back!
We are calling on smokers in England to join over 2.5 million others who have made a quitting attempt with the previous campaign.
Over 5 million adults in England still smoke!
Smoking causes 64,000 deaths a year, making it the biggest cause of preventable illness and death. Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. That’s why this year’s Stoptober campaign is encouraging smokers to join the thousands of others who are committing to quitting for the month of October – quit smoking for 28 days and you’re five times more likely to quit for good.
When you stop smoking good things start to happen – quitting will allow you to start moving better, breathe more easily and give you more money to spend. Stoptober offers a range of free quitting tools including the NHS Quit Smoking app, daily email support, Facebook support group, information about quitting smoking with a vape and expert support from local stop smoking services. Simply search ‘Stoptober’ for more information or visit the Better Health Quit Smoking Website.
Mental Health Day 2024
World Mental Health Day is soon approaching on the 10th of October.
This year’s theme, which is set by the World Federation of Mental Health is Workplace mental health. This theme highlights the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, for the benefit of organisations, communities and most importantly, the people.
You can go onto the Mental Health Foundation website to find ways you can get involved and support the cause
You can also check out the Every Mind Matters website for a range of free, NHS-evidenced support and resources.
On this World Mental Health Day, let’s come together to talk about mental health and show that mental health matters.
Know Your Numbers Week
Between September 2nd-8th Is Know your Numbers Week
Did you know: Around a third of people in the UK have high blood pressure, but most don’t know it. It doesn’t have any symptoms so, the only way to find out is to have a blood pressure checked.
Blood Pressure UK is leading the Campaing, focusing on Home Monitoring and how you can take steps to lowering those numbers.
Check out their resources hub to see how you can get started.
Blood Pressure UK - Hub Link
You can also come into the Practice and use our Surgery POD
Reminder: Practice Closer September 3rd 13:00- 18:30
Dear Patients,
This is a reminder the Practice will be close on the afternoon of September 3rd for training. We will re-open on Wednesday 4th Sepetmber at 8:00am as usual.
If you need medical advice, please contact 111 via phone or online. Or dial 999 in an emergency.
Thank you
Urology Awareness Month
September is Urology Awareness Month. This looks to raise awareness of urological diseases including Kidney, Bladder, prostate and reproductive cancers.
It also includes non-malignant conditions including: urinary tract infections (UTIs),incontinence, and kidney stones.
To find out stats and facts on Urological health, you can visit the The Urology Foundation webite, leading resources such as videos, webinars and roadshows. There are lots of ways YOU can get involved and support the Month too.
Information on their 2024 campaign is available on their site HERE.
Catchment Area Map
To all who are looking to join The Practice,
our catchment area map is currently down and not portryaing accurate information. If you are unsure if you are within the Practice's boundary, please call reception on 01329 823456.
We are looking to fix this problem as soon as we can.
Thank you
Patient Participation Group
Would you like to be a part of our Patient Participation Group?
The group meets at least twice a year to review the practice survey and plan improvements to the services we provide.
There is also a Fareham group where each of the ten practices in the area send a representative to discuss wider local issues.
So, if you are passionate about the Fareham community and how the practice provides for it, we would love to hear from you.
Go to our PPG page and fill out our sign up form today.
Target Afternoon - September 3rd
Dear Patients,
We will be shut on the 3rd September (PM ONLY) for our 6 monthly Target Afternoon.
Our morning clinics will run as normal
in this time, please call 111 or use 111 online services if you need medical assistance.
Thank you
Covid & Flu Clinic Update
Autumn Flu & Covid Clinics
Our next Flu & Covid Clinics are being held on Saturday 5th October and Saturday 12th October
both of these clinics will be held at Centre Practice between 8.15am to 5pm.
To book Please call Reception on( 01329) 823456.
System Outage
Dear Patients,
As you probably are aware, there is currently a national outage of the GP record software EMIS. We are not informed as of why yet and await further information. As a result of this, it will impact on how the practice can safely see patients, issue medications and e-consults. We are pausing some services on the grounds of safety. Please bare with us, and we will update you once the issue has been resolved.
Reminder of our Zero Tolerance Policy
When contacting the surgery please remember, we are here to help you.
Our staff have the right to be treated with dignity and respect at all times without the risk of threatening behaviour or violence.
This behaviour will not be tolerated towards staff.
UV Safety Awareness Month
Summer is in full swing, and the next few weeks are looking to heat up. This July is UV Safety Awareness Month. When the weather does change , it’s important to be aware of the impacts of UV exposure. To protect yourself, consider staying in the shade during the sun’s peak hours, wearing protective clothing and using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. We have more tips on Sunscreen safety in our PPG Summer newsletter.
PPG Dementia Leaflet
In this leaflet you will find information, support numbers and symptoms which are often missed, put together by our Patient participation group.
It also importantly express's that 'It is possible to live well with dementia,' and that if supported 'people with dementia are able to continue enjoying activities they have always enjoyed and even to try new ones.'
If you would like more information, please contact the surgery.
If you would like to be a part of our PPG, you can find out how here
Summer Newsletter
We are fast approaching the first day of summer!
Excitment is in the air, and good weather looks to be on the horizon.
Would you like some tips from our PPG group about safety in the sun? Or prehaps tackling Hay fever?
You can read it all in their Summer Newsletter HERE
Cervical Screening Awareness Week 2024
From 17th - 23rd June 2024 is Cervical Screening Awareness Week.
Going for your Cervical Screening can be a daunting thought, and everyone’s experience is different,
but the week is bringing some well needed attention to Cervical screening clinics and why they are important.
Websites such as Macmillian and Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust are sharing different experiences from women and people with a cervix to show it is important to all, ranging from:
screening after giving birth, after menopause, after transition etc.
They also share information, tips, and support on how to make attending your screening a little bit easier.
join the conversation on social media and use the hashtag #CervicalScreeningAwarenessWeek or #CSAW24
Pharmacy First
Did you know most Pharmacies can help with a range of common conditions without needing to see a GP?
The new Pharmacy First service was launched 31 January 2024 and adds to the existing consultation service. This enables community pharmacies to complete episodes of care for 7 common conditions following defined clinical pathways.
For more information of how a Pharmacy can help you, and for a list of the conditions, click the below link
Bank Holiday Closures
Dear Patients,
Our Practice will be closed for the bank holiday on the following date:
Monday 26th August 2024
If you need any medical assistance while we are closed call 111 or go onto their website here
If you need to order any prescriptions please refer to our prescriptions page
Written Requests to Expedite Appointments
Often, patients are requested by the Hospital to obtain a letter from the GP so their appointment can be expedited.
Waiting a longer time for an appointment does not deem your request urgent. According to figures from NHS England, a total of 7.42 million people were waiting to start treatment at the end of May 2023, the highest since records began in August 2007. As a result, we are unable to write letters to expedite your appointment.
If you are experiencing worsening of your symptoms, we advise you to contact your specialist directly so they can assess your condition and make the necessary arrangements. If you have difficulty in accessing your consultant, we advise you to contact PALS for assistance.